27 de abr. de 2010

Then today, came Szusza and tell us that sometimes we choose to be in certain situations or troubles. Like injuries in order to strength some emotional or psychological patterns. And that the decision of breaking it is ours.

It went on my nerves so strongly. But after all of this writing about break throughs and changes, I decided to investigate from now on if it make sense or not. Taking away, off course all of this self-helping bullshit.

Lets see where I'll end up.

Um comentário:

Unknown disse...

amor daqui ate a eternidade...mil anos que nao passava por aqui e hoje fui pega de surpresa por seus posts in english...oh my! adorei o video e as noticias de las chicas. Fill me in...how's things? haven't heard from you for so long fews like centuries! Dave and I are planning to go to Germany next year...really hope we can meet up. Me going home for the summer, miss it so so badly. Te adoro horrores seu porkao imundezimo. mega beijo